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Description: * MYSTERY RELIGIONS AND ANCIENT GODS * 200 RARE ANCIENT BOOKS on DVD * This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. ~ Titles Include ~ Adonis, Attis, Osiris - studies in the history of oriental religion by Sir James Frazer 1907 The mystery religions and the New Testament by Henry C Sheldon 1918 The Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry by Charles Vail 1909 St. Paul and the Mystery Religions by H.A.A. Kennedy 1913 St. Paul and the mystery Religions by John Franklin Troupe 1917 A Dissertation on the Ancient Pagan Mysteries by John Towne 1766 Mysteria - History of the secret doctrines and mystic rites of ancient religions and medieval and modern secret orders by Dr Otto Rhyn 1895 The Gospel of Osiris by William N Guthrie 1916 The Egyptian Book of the Dead 1904 The Book of the Dead by George Boker 1882 The Book of the Dead 1920 On the Origin of Freemasonry by Thomas Paine 1810 The Great Pyramid and the Book of the Dead 1893 The Mysteries, pagan and Christian by Samuel Cheetham 1897 Essay on the mysteries of Eleusis by Sergei Uvarov 1817 The Worship of the Dead - The origin and nature of pagan idolatry and its bearing upon the early history of Egypt and Babylonia 1909 by John Garnier The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume 1 by Sir James Frazer 1913 Rome: Pagan and Papal by Mourant Brock 1883 The Obelisk and Freemasonry + Egyptian symbols compared with those discovered in American mounds by John Weisse 1880 The Myth of Ra - the Supreme Sun-god of Egypt 1877 by William Ricketts Cooper The Non-Christian Cross by John Denham Parsons 1896 Sex Worship - an exposition of the phallic origin of religion by Clifford Howard 1909 The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship by Sha Rocco 1904 The Old Testament in the light of the ancient East by Alfred Jeremias, Volume 1 1911 The Old Testament in the light of the ancient East by Alfred Jeremias, Volume 2 1911 The Masculine Cross - A history of ancient and modern crosses, and their connection with the mysteries of sex worship 1904 Nebopolassar and the Temple to the Sun-God, article in The American Journal of Semitic Languages 1899 Divine Service in Ur (Sumerian), article in Journal of the Society of Oriental Research 1921 A history of Sumer and Akkad by LW king 1910 Sex and Sex Worship by O.A. Wall 1922 A Glossary of Important Symbols in their Hebrew, pagan and Christian forms by A.S. Hall Paganism and Christianity by James Anson Farrer 1891 Phallic Miscellanies - facts and phases of ancient and modern sex worship as illustrated chiefly in the religions of India - an appendix of additional and explanatory matter to the volumes, Phallism and Nature worship 1891 by H Jennings The Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism by Gerhard Uhlhorn 1901 The fallen angels and the heroes of mythology by John Fleming 1879 The Origin of Pagan Idolatry BY George Stanley Faber Volume 1, 1816 The Origin of Pagan Idolatry BY George Stanley Faber Volume 2, 1816 The Origin of Pagan Idolatry BY George Stanley Faber Volume 3, 1816 The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism by Franz Cumont 1911 The Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races by Sanger Brown 1916 An Exposition of the Mysteries - Religious dogmas and customs of the ancient Egyptians, Pythagoreans, and Druids. Also, an inquiry into the origin, history, and purport of Freemasonry by John Fellow 1835 The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry connected with the origin and evolution of the human race 1920 The Great Secret by Maurice Maeterlinck 1922 (India, Egypt, Persia, Chaldea, Greece Before Socrates, The Gnostics and the Neoplatonists, The Cabala, The Alchemists, The Modern Occultists, The Metapsychists) Comparative studies in Orphic and early Christian cult symbolism by Robert Eisler 1921 Sacred mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches - Their relation to the sacred mysteries of Egypt, Greece, Chaldea and India. Freemasonry in times anterior to the temple of Solomon by Augustus Le Plongeon 1886 The Worship of Baalim by H Oort 1865 Primitive symbolism, as illustrated in phallic worship or the reproductive principle by H.M. Westropp Names of God in the Bible, article in the Free Review 1894 The Creation of God by Jacob Hartmann 1893 The Import of the Name Jehovah, article in The Biblical Repository 1833 Serpent-worship and other essays by Charles Wake 1888 An Exposition of the Mysteries - Religious dogmas and customs of the ancient Egyptians, Pythagoreans, and Druids by John Fellows 1835 Tammuz and Ishtar, a Monograph on Babylonian Religion and Theology by S Langdon 1914 Tammuz, Pan and Christ by Wildfred Schoff 1912 The Evolution of Religion by Edward Caird, Volume 1 1894 The Evolution of Religion by Edward Caird, Volume 2 1894 Israel and Babylon; the Influence of Babylon on the religion of Israel by Hermann Gunkel 1904 The Evolution of Religions by Everard Bierer 1906 The significance of ancient religions in relation to human evolution by E Noel Reichardt 1912 The Social Evolution of Religion by George W Cooke 1920 Mithras Worship, article in The Monist 1900 Mythical Elements in the Samson Story, article in The Monist 1907 A Symbolic Figure of the Queen of Heaven, article in The Biblical World 1901 Our own religion in ancient Persia by Lawrence Mills 1913 The Buddhist Concept of Death, article in The Monist 1907 The revelation and incarnation of Mithra 1829 The Semitic gods and the Bible by D.M. Bennett The Story of Samson and its place in the religious development of mankind by Paul Carus 1907 Zarathustra and the Bible, article in The Monist 1907 Christmas and the Nativity of Mithras, article in The Open Court 1906 The Two Babylons, or, The Papal Worship proved to be the worship of Nimrod and his wife by Alexander Hislop 1871 The Gods of the Egyptians by EA Wallis Budge 1904 A Catechism of Mythology; Containing a Compendious History of the Heathen Gods and Heroes by William Darlington 1832 False Gods - The idol Worship of the World, a Complete History of idolatrous worship throughout the world, ancient and modern, describing the strange beliefs, practices, superstitions, temples, idols, shrines, sacrifices by Frank Dobbins Calendar of the Gods in China by T Richard 1906 The Master's Carpet - Masonry and Baal-worship identical by Edmond Ronayne 1879 The religion of the Semites by WR Smith 1889 Tooke's Pantheon of the Heathen Gods by F Pomey 1833 Greece and Babylon - a comparative sketch of Mesopotamian, Anatolian and Hellenic religions by Lewis Farnell 1911 Studies of the Gods in Greece by Louis Dyer 1891 The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries, Volume 1 by Charles William Heckethorn - 1897 The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries, Volume 2 by Charles William Heckethorn - 1897 Esoteric Christianity Or The Lesser Mysteries by Annie Besant 1905 The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, Volume 1 by R.C. Thompson 1903 The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, Volume 2 by R.C. Thompson 1903 The Worship of the Serpent traced Throughout the World by John B Deane 1833 Serpent and Siva worship and Mythology in Central America, Africa, and Asia and The origin of serpent worship by Hyde Clarke 1877 The Serpent Symbol and the worship of the reciprocal principles of nature in America by EG Squier 1851 The Sun and the Serpent - a contribution to the history of serpent-worship by Charles F Oldham 1905 The Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt by WR Cooper 1873 History of the Cross - the Pagan Origin, and idolatrous adoption and worship, of the image by Henry Dana Ward 1871 The Fairy Tale Element in the Bible by Paul Carus 1901 (The Monist) The Cross in the life and Literature of the Anglo-Saxons by William O Stevens 1904 Staurolatry, article in The Open Court 1899 (The cross triumphed, but it was no longer the cross of Calvary. The old Pagan symbol of intersecting lines was re-adopted with a new interpretation. It was adopted by the Christian church in an age of superstition and ignorance, leading to image-worship and staurolatry which was not much better than the Paganism which it replaced.) The Cults of the Greek States, Volume 1 by Lewis R Farnell 1896 The Cults of the Greek States, Volume 2 by Lewis R Farnell 1896 The Cults of the Greek States, Volume 3 by Lewis R Farnell 1896 The Cults of the Greek States, Volume 4 by Lewis R Farnell 1896 The Cults of the Greek States, Volume 5 by Lewis R Farnell 1896 Early Christianity and paganism by H.D.M Spence-Jones 1902 Pagan Christs - studies in comparative hierology by JM Robertson 1911 The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria by Morris Jastrow 1898 Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and her mother Hanna by E.A. Wallis Budge 1922* Christianity and the Mystery Religions by Shirley Jackson Case 1914 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities by William Smith 1884 Mithraism and the Religions of the Empire 1902 Notes on the Scientific and Religious Mysteries of Antiquity by John Yarker 1872 Mithras and Christmas 1904 The Mysteries of Mithra 1922 Departed Gods - The Gods of our Forefathers by J.N. Fradenburgh 1891 The Oriental Mystery Religions and the Christianity of St Paul, article in the Union Seminary Magazine 1914 The Religion of Mithra 1888 A Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri - The great gods of Phenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy, and Crete by George Stanley Faber, Volume 1 1803 A Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri - The great gods of Phenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy, and Crete by George Stanley Faber, Volume 2 1803 A Description of the Antiquities and other Curiosities of Rome by Edward Burton 1821 A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life by William Rounseville Alger - 1864 The Gnostics and Their Remains by Charles William King - 1864 Christianity and Mythology by John M. Robertson - 1900 The Rosicrucian Mysteries by Max Heindel 1916 The Great Mother of the Gods by Grant Showerman 1901 The Mysteries of Freemasonry by John Fellows 1860 Traditions of Freemasonry and its coincidences with the ancient mysteries by Azaraiah Pierson 1870 The Mysteries of Masonry being the Outline of a Universal Philosophy founded upon the ritual and degrees of ancient freemasonry by LE Reynolds 1870 Religious Systems of the World 1901 History of all Religions by Samuel M Smucker 1881 Signs and Symbols Illustrated and Explained by George Oliver - 1857 Sod - the Mysteries of Adoni by SF Dunlap 1861 The Symbolism of Freemasonry by AG Mackey 1869 The History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil by Paul Carus 1899 The Hellenic Origins of Christian Asceticism by Joseph W Swain 1916 The True Origin of the Christian Religion by Dupuis 1841 The Christian Eucharist and the Pagan Cults by William Mansfield Groton - 1914 After Life in Roman Paganism by Franz Cumont 1922 Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans by Franz Cumont 1912 The Lords of the Ghostland by Edgar Saltus 1907 (Brahma, Ormuzd, Amon-Ra, Bel-Marduk, Jehovah, Zeus, Jupiter) The Birthday of Mithra and Jesus Christ, article in the Contemporary Review 1921 Historical commentaries on the state of Christianity during the first 325 years, Volume 1 by John Laurence von Mosheim 1854 Historical commentaries on the state of Christianity during the first 325 years, Volume 2 by John Laurence von Mosheim 1854 Comparative Religion by FB Jevons 1913 The Cult of the Heavenly Twins by J Rendel Harris 1906 The Devil's Pulpit by Robert Taylor 1857 The Knowledge of God and Its Historical Development, Volume 1 by Henry Melvill Gwatkin 1906 The Knowledge of God and Its Historical Development, Volume 2 by Henry Melvill Gwatkin 1906 Bible Folk-lore - a Study in Comparative Mythology by James E Rogers 1884 The Ways of the Gods by Algernon S Crapsey 1921 The Religious Life of Ancient Rome by Jesse B Carter 1911 The Pauline idea of faith in its relation to Jewish and Hellenistic religion by Kirsopp Lale 1917 Pagan Ideas of Immortality During the Early Roman Empire by Clifford Herschel Moore 1918 The Spiritual Interpretation of History by Shailer Mathews 1916 The Golden Bough - a Study in Magic and Religion by Sir James George Frazer 1922 Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons by Florence Mary Bennett 1912 Ancient Legends of Roman History by Ettore Pais 1906 Origin and Meaning of Apple Cults by J Rendel Harris 1919 The Religion of Ancient Rome by Cyril Bailey 1907 Cults, Myths and Religions by Salomon Reinach - 1912 The Preparation for Christianity in the Ancient World by Robert Mark Wenley - 1898 A History of the Ancient World by George Stephen Goodspeed 1912 The Religious Experience of the Roman People by William Warde Fowler - 1911 Survivals in belief among the Celts by George Henderson 1911 The Religion of the Ancient Celts by J.A. MacCulloch 1911 Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions by T.W. Doane 1883 Egypt's Place in Universal History, Volume 1 by Christian Bunsen 1848 Egypt's Place in Universal History, Volume 2 by Christian Bunsen 1848 Egypt's Place in Universal History, Volume 3 by Christian Bunsen 1848 Egypt's Place in Universal History, Volume 4 by Christian Bunsen 1848 Egypt's Place in Universal History, Volume 5 by Christian Bunsen 1848 The Veil of Isis - Mysteries of the Druids by William Winwood Reade - 1861 Thoth, by J Shield Nicholson 1889 The Egyptian Element in the Birth Stories of the Gospels by W.St. Chad Boscawen 1913 The Horus Myth in Its Relation to Christianity by William Ricketts Cooper - 1877 The Origin of Pagan Idolatry, Volume 1 By George Stanley Faber 1816 The Origin of Pagan Idolatry, Volume 2 By George Stanley Faber 1816 The Origin of Pagan Idolatry, Volume 3 By George Stanley Faber 1816 An Exposition of the Mysteries by John Fellow - 1835 A Dissertation on the Calendar and Zodiac of Ancient Egypt by William Mure - 1832 Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt by James H Breasted 1912 The Dawn of Civilization - Egypt and Chaldea by G Maspero 1894 Ten Great Religions - An Essay in Comparative Religion by James Freeman Clarke 1886 The History of Egypt Under the Romans by Samuel Sharpe 1842 Prehistoric religion: a study in pre-Christian antiquity by Philo Loas Mills - 1918 The Religious Ideas of the Ancient Egyptians, article in The Westminster Review 1898 The Twelve Egyptian Obelisks in Rome by John Henry Parker 1879 The Golden Age of Myth & Legend by Thomas Bulfinch 1915 Religions of the Past and the Religion of the Future by Senex 1906 Mythological Ínquiry Into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens by Isaac Preston Cory 1837 Religion and Conscience in Ancient Eqypt by WM Flinders Petrie 1898 Life Symbols as related to Sex Symbolism, a brief study into the origin and significance of certain symbols which have been found in all civilisations, such as the cross, the circle, the serpent, the triangle, the tree of life, the swastika, and other solar emblems by Elisabeth Goldsmith The Image of the Cross and lights on the altar in the Christian church and in heathen temples before the Christian era 1879 The Cross and the Serpent by William Haslam 1849 History of the Cross of Christ by William R Alger 1858 Our Sun-God - Christianity Before Christ by John Denham Parsons 1895 Christianity before Christ by Charles John Stone 1885 Frazer's Theory of the Crucifixion, article in The Fortnightly Review 1901 The Cross Ancient and Modern by Willson W Blake 1888 Holy Cross - a history of the invention, preservation, and disappearance of the wood known as the True Cross by William C Prime 1877 Phallism - with an account of ancient & modern Crosses particularly of the Crux Ansata, or handled cross, and other symbols connected with the mysteries of sex worship by Hargrave Jennings 1892 Sex Worship - an exposition of the phallic origin of Religion by Sanger Brown 1897 The Cross and the Steeple - Their Origin and Significance by Hudson Tuttle 1875 Phallicism - celestial and terrestrial, heathen and Christian, its connexion with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics and its foundation in Buddhism, with an essay on mystic anatomy by Hargrave Jennings 1884 The Cross in Tradition, History and Art by William Wood Seymour 1898 Handbook of Christian Symbolism by W Audsley 1865 Pagan Origin of Partialist Doctrines by John Claudius Pitrat - 1871 History of the Celtic Language (deals at length with the Cross) by Lachlan Maclean 1840 ("To trace the emblem of the cross no farther back than St Andrew, or even the crucifixion, is a glaring error.") The Diegesis - being a discovery of the origin, evidences and early history of Christianity, never yet before or elsewhere so fully and faithfully set forth by Robert Taylor 1834 The Ethnic Trinities and their relations to the Christian by Leonard Levi 1901 ("It may be a surprise to some of my readers to be told that this symbol of the cross is as old as history itself. Indeed, its origin is hidden in prehistoric times. The Greek or Maltese cross, with its four arms of equal length, which is worn by Roman Popes on the breast, appears on the breasts of Assyrian kings nine or ten centuries before the birth of Christ") Phallic Symbolism by Lee Alexander Stone MD 1920 Paypal is our preferred choice of payment. If you do not have a paypal account, the purchase can still be made without an account by using your credit card through Paypal's secure payment system. For other payment methods, please contact us and we will be open to discuss with you other alternatives. 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