Description: "Red Rising" is a captivating novel that delves into a color-coded society in the future. The story follows Darrow, a member of the lowest caste known as the Reds. Similar to his peers, Darrow toils day in and day out, unaware of the grander schemes at play. As the narrative unfolds, readers witness Darrow's journey from the depths of oppression to becoming a formidable rebel figure, driven by personal tragedy and a desire to lead his people to freedom and justice. This gripping saga, penned by Pierce Brown, takes readers on a thrilling and thought-provoking adventure through a world rife with social stratification and conflict.
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Item Specifics
Returns Accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Type: Does not apply
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Book Title: Red Rising
ISBN-13: 9781444758993
Author: Pierce Brown
Publisher: Browning
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction
Topic: Books